Hiking Poles and How to Effectively Use Them
Hiking poles have been very useful to trekkers, backpackers, day walkers or any kind of outdoor adventurers. It is still a surprise, however, that most of them do not exactly know how to use hiking poles.
Before anything else, hiking poles were obviously designed for support while trekking. They are designed to make moving across terrains easier and faster. With these aids, trekking becomes easier thus more amusing. However, there is more to hiking poles than what most people know.
When hiking poles are used correctly, the body takes less effort and stress because it has better posture. Moreover, the body experiences less exhaustion so it is able to get more oxygen as heart rate increases. With hiking poles, the effort is spread throughout out the body and not just legs.
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Most hiking poles have two points of ground contact that many do not pay attention to. These two contact points offer better stability for the user even on unfamiliar terrains. This makes trekking unfamiliar grounds safer for the user. Most importantly, the right use of hiking poles decrease the risk of slipping down.
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One will never get all the right benefits if he or she does not know how to use hiking poles correctly. It begins by properly setting them up. Beside buying poles of the correct size for you, it has to be the right height. And the straps, too, have a purpose. It keeps your hand from losing grip on the pole if it gets too slippery. Without these straps, you will tend to grip too hard around the pole. It is better to use hiking poles with a relaxed grip than a tensed one.
User should also be aware of why there are “baskets” at the far tip of the pole. They keep the poles from burrowing deep down very soft ground. Again, the purpose is support especially on very soft and slippery ground.
As a bonus tip, it is better to use two pairs of hiking poles. It is not that necessary but it is better to be extra safe. Another extra tip is to move sideways when it gets too steep.
So the next is to address the question on how to use hiking poles when moving downhill. The best position is slightly infront of your body. The purpose is to engage the shock systems of the pole to lessen the impact of going downward.
Meanwhile, and this is how to use hiking poles for uphill hiking. The best practice is to shorten your poles so you can push yourself off with every step instead of using the poles to pull your body up. Do not use the poles as anchor as you put all your weight on it while going upwards. For more instructions on the right of hiking poles, view website.