What Research About B17 Can Teach You

Find Out The Truth About Vitamin B17 And Whether It Can Be Used To Cure Cancer Vitamin B17 is also referred to as a laetrile is a product that is derived from a product that is known as amygdalin. Amygdalin is a product that can be naturally found in apricots, bitter almonds, and the peach pits. There is a lot of buzz on this product as people claim that it can be able to cure cancer. There are some studies that have been done but none has been conclusive on whether the product can cure cancer or not. Due to this fact, the sale of this vitamin has not yet been approved by the FDA. There is a group of scientist argues that it can be used to fight the cancerous cell in the body. In fact, there are those who say that the formation of cancer in the body comes due to the deficiency of B12 in the body. Thus, if this is the case, the consumption of the vitamin will not only help in curing cancer, but it will also assist in preventing it from taking place. However, the pills that are made with this element is said to have some toxic elements, and it is not safe for human consumption. The scientist are divided into two when it comes to vitamin B12, some claim that this is a product that can be used to fight cancer, while others disagree with this theory. In fact they claim that laetrile is not a vitamin since it is not a substance which is needed in sustaining a good health. Other than the fact that the product is not a vitamin, there is still no solid proof that can be used to show that the product is used in curing cancer.
Learning The Secrets About B17
Those who claim that the product is used to prevent and cure cancer have sought for the FDA approval for a long time. Scientist have sent numerous of application to the FDA so that they can have the product approved only to fall on deaf ears. The FDA claims that the product needs to be tested on animal first, before testing it on people. There are some people who claim that the reason that the FDA has not approved this medicine despite the many years of request is the money that the company makes when selling the conventional medications.
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However, the FDA gives a warning that the product is dangerous and has adverse side effects. In fact, it claims that the main reason why the product has not been approved is that there have been a few reports of death cases. It is this pull and push that has made the studies done on this product not be conclusive. If you are stuffing from cancer you need to learn as much as this product before using it.