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Guidelines to Follow When Cleaning Your Home

It is mandatory for a person to clean their house. The reason for this is because we all desire to live in clean houses. We might however find cleaning to be stressful. Why this is the case is because of some hard to clean spots. Spots ignored when cleaning are the ones being referred to here. One should concentrate on spots ignored when cleaning. It is important therefore that one is aware of some tricks to use to make the cleaning process easier and also for spots ignored when cleaning. This article will highlight some of these tricks.

The first thing that one should do when cleaning is dust the whole house. This is inclusive of spots ignored when cleaning. Dry dusting is the best way to dust. This is without using any water. Use of water can make the dusting harder in a person. This could be frustrating especially with spots ignored when cleaning. One should make sure to dust on topsides of all furniture. This is one of the spots ignored when cleaning. After dusting all the furniture, one should clean furniture fabric. These are bed makings, pillowcases, and furniture blankets. Making and arranging these things will make one see progress in cleaning the house.

The next step is cleaning mirrors and glass. To be included in spots ignored when cleaning also is these. One could forget that these are also important to keep clean. Using one wet and one dry cloth is a good way to clean these spots. This way one can avoid leaving streaks behind. Next on the list is to clean surfaces. These include the countertops as well as the cabinets. One should make sure to wipe them down well. To be done also is the wiping of other things such as phones, light switches, and remotes. These could also make the list of spots ignored when cleaning. A big step when it comes to cleaning therefore is wiping.

Next to do when one is cleaning is to clean the kitchen and the bathroom. One should spray the required sprays on tubs, sinks and sprays. The reason for this is to remove all germs from these spots and make cleaning them much easier. It is after this that one can return and scrub them. These areas are now clean and one can now move on. Also to be cleaned or wiped in the kitchen are the microwaves, fridges and other appliances. Cleaning the floors should come next. Floors require to be swept then mopped or scrubbed. If possible, one should finish with vacuuming.