Get These Fun Ideas to Save Money During Summer
As summer comes near, we are expecting again for more expenses to come in. This is because we usually experience during summer expenses that sometimes we do not expect or even budgeted. Imagine our kids are not in school anymore, and so we have to fill them with activities to fill their day, plus we have to prepare our homes to be more comfortable, and chores are more than ever, and these all will equate to money.
Fortunately, summer is also a good opportunity to practice how to cut costs and be thrifty. Thus we came up with some great money saving ways that can make you further enjoy summer and at the same time have fun during the season.
We all know that going to amusement parks spells fun for all kids but in the process you have to shell out money for the admission tickets. We suggest therefore that you go to your local community park, and get free fun by having a picnic there, play some baseball catch or soccer, and at the same time you do not have to pay for any ticket at all.
Another idea to be thrifty during summer is by getting a programmable thermostat and changing the filter, this way you will still be cool but not spending so much of your electricity.
During summer, it is high time to conduct weather stripping to fill up gaps in your doors and windows, and thus you will not be wasting electricity through these leaks and consequently not paying so much wasted money.
So we know that if kids are just in the house playing and making themselves dirty, you will be doing a lot of washing. And so, it would be wise to save energy by buying a washer and dryer that is economical and energy efficient.
Nothing beats the whole family going on a vacation somewhere you wish to go, but the big problem is you will spend a lot of money in this activity with everybody on board. In exchange for that costly vacation, why not this time the whole family goes on camping, and get to explore nature at your locality, have fun setting up those tents with your children, bonfire and singing, and make plenty of memories without spending so much.
We cannot imagine not ever going out to eat for this is one luxury that we cannot miss out forever. We are therefore recommending that you cook at home, and save some of your money. Shake up your kitchen by cooking at home and have a themed dinner in some nights, like an Italian night, or burger night or barbeque at the yard, and so on.