Basic DIY Tips to Keep Pests Away
Many people who discover they have a pest invasion in their homes often grapple with the idea of using environmentally harsh chemicals to destroy these pests. There are some simple remedies that are less costly and less toxic that one can use to deal with the same problem.
Pests can be kept away by ensuring your home is always clean. Some of the practices you can adopt is cleaning after every meal so as not to attract pest through left over food crumbs. by mixing half water and half vinegar one can easily make a simple cleaning spray.
Some of the basic principles that one should adopt is covering all foods and drinks, covering the garbage bins and regularly taking out the rubbish.
Keep the gardens blooming with home-made sprays. Brightening the garden with sprays that are home-made. The use of home-made sprays to enhance the look of your garden.
Most people with gardens spend a lot of time money and energy to make them look good. It is very painful therefore to see pests destroying these gardens. One can easily make pest spray by boiling and blending cayenne pepper, mint loaves and garlic.
After boiling the mix should be let t settle and then used to spray the plants. any mixture that has pepper in it is very effective for keeping pests away.
Ants that have invaded your home can simply be dealt with by using coffee grinds and a mixture of borax, sugar and water. Sprinkling coffee grinds on window sills and along the door can help keep ants away from these places.
Essential oils are often used for relaxation and health reasons but they can also be used for deterring pests. to help keep spiders and ant away for example.
Mixing 2 1/2 teaspoons of an essential oil with one cup of vodka can make a very effective pest spray. This mixture should be sprayed around the house and garden to keep pests away.
the beginning of summer comes with the menace of flies and fruit flies. This can however be handled by simply pouring a small amount of apple cider vinegar in a container. Make sure that bugs can get in the container but cannot get out.
One can also make a trap by covering a container with plastic wrap and then making holes in the wrap. When you stop the constant buzzing of fruit flies around the plant, the plant grows happy and healthy.
In the event that these five DIY methods fail to work it would be important to call for the pest exterminator.