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Guide to Cross Docking

When it comes to costs and warehousing, every organization has its own priorities and they need to consider and weigh up the disadvantages of implementing cross docking into the organization’s supply chaise in order to make the right decision. There might seem to have advantages when cross-docking especially because in logistics jargon, when an item sits, cost is entailed until it reaches its intended destination. In reality, there is very little or no handling or storage time considered when cross-docking a product from a suppliers or manufacturing plants distributing items directly to its customers or retain chain, and so less price is paid.

The disadvantage of a cross-docking operator is that it requires much management attention, time, and planning which are all necessary to make it work effectively. In cross-docking, you don’t have a warehouse to store items like what they do in warehousing, but instead they set up the cross docking terminal structures prior to its implementation, and these terminals are linked to semi-trailer trucks or railroad cars into outbound trucks, with no storage in between which will require time and capital. A cross-docking client can take advantage of this facility since they have a comfortable reliance that suppliers would deliver their goods to the customer without breaking up the entire supply chain through cross-docking terminals.

Productivity of a supply chain becomes the more important factor for a cross-docking client since their priority is speed to grow their organization and achieve a competitive advantage. Especially these days when customer satisfaction weighs heavily on an organization’s survival, this is especially true. With a reliable supply chain, one can keep customers, otherwise, customers are lost. Image the convenience of picking up exactly the right item that you have been looking for, and paying for it electronically over a website, but with the exception that it takes sometime before you can get hold of that item, while another company that sells exactly the same item and price, and allows you to have them much earlier than its counterpart. The organization’s supply chain management gives the customer this sort of satisfaction.
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With cross-docking a lot of companies have benefited from reduction of labor costs because it does not need to be packed and stored, reduction in time in packing from production to customer, which aids customer satisfaction, and reduction in the need for warehouse space, since there is nothing to be stored.
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Manufacturing cross-docking, distribution, transportation, retail, and opportunistic cross docking are the different types of cross docking; the last type being used in any warehouse by transferring a product directly from the goods receiving docks to the outbound shipping dock to meet a know demand.