The Life of A Bedbug
It is annoying to have the bedbugs in your home. Presence of bedbugs is always associated with being dirty of which is not the case and that can be embarrassing. It also frustrates to wake up in the morning and start scratching the itching bedbug bites all over your body. A good number of people cannot tell the presence of bedbugs in their homes. Lack of knowledge about the pests can undermine your efforts to get rid of them. Therefore, before you think of getting rid of the pest you should first know what it is. Here are some of the important information about bedbugs.
The first that will help you tell that the insect is a bedbug is if it is tiny and crawls. Another important feature is that they have a flat oval body. The bedbugs are capable of penetrating through tiny spaces around your furniture and particularly the bed. The bedbugs can rapidly increase in number since a mature female can lay hundreds of eggs. The growth of typical bedbugs involves shedding of skin around five times before it grows to maturity. Therefore, if you come across the skin debris then you should get rid to deal with bedbugs.
Bedbugs feed on blood from humans and other animals such as dogs, and cats. The bedbugs usually feed on humans while they sleep especially at night that is why they are common in beds. The needle shaped mouth allows them to penetrate the human skin and draw blood. They suck the blood for several minutes, and the bitten spot starts itching once they have stopped sucking blood. Bedbugs are not capable of spreading diseases from one person to another.
The presence of bedbugs is not associated with the degree of cleanliness in your home. The only way that bedbugs can get access to your home is if they are physically moved. You can carry them on your body or new furniture. You can carry bedbugs from a different place that you visited that is infested. Another source of bedbugs is from the neighborhood as they can move by crawling. Sometimes people mistake the bed bug bites for other insect bites such as mosquitos and fleas. The bite of a bedbug usually have a swollen core.
You should find a way of getting rid of the best once you have ascertained that they are bedbugs. Since bedbug is a common problem, companies have been established to combat their infestation. The most efficient way to get rid of the pest is through the pest control companies. Another way of getting rid of the bedbugs is by cleaning all the rooms in your home until all the bedbugs, and their eggs are gone.