Finding the Best Blogsites or Websites about Parenting and Primary Baby Care through URLs A baby is definitely a blessing that is given by our God to the people who wishes and plans to become parents, and a baby can also be called as an infant. A baby is basically defined as the young offspring of a human, and they are delicate and fragile, which is why the human or the parents should handle them with care, love them, guide them, protect them, and provide them with their basic needs in life. The term infant or baby, is being applied to young offspring who are under one or two years of age, while the term neonate or newborn, refers to the infant who is only just days or few weeks old after their birth. There are basically a lot of various parenting activities that needs to be practiced, learned and familiarized by the parents, specifically the first timers in parenting. The people who are first time in parenting, may acquire some skills, knowledge and help from their families and friends who are more experienced in handling babies, or they can also ask for help from their own doctors or any other health care professional. It is recommended for every mother to breastfeed their baby, since the breast milk is more nutritious than milk formula. There are a lot of parenting activities that needs to be done by the parents to their babies, and aside from breastfeeding, other advises to new parents include ensuring that the baby is securely fastened into the stroller and carrier, shaking the baby is prohibited, learning the right and proper diapering, learning about the bonding and soothing techniques for babies, bathing techniques, umbilical cord care and circumcision for baby boys, burping techniques, washing their hands before handling the baby, and supporting the baby’s head and neck. There are a lot of different baby gears, accessories and products that are commonly purchased by the parents that can help and assist them as they provide primary care for their own babies. The examples of the commonly purchased accessories and gears designed for babies are mittens, crib or co-sleeper, crib mattress, bassinet, glider or rocking chair, baby monitor, feeding bottles, bibs, baby formula, carrier, stroller, walker, feeding bottle sterilizer, nursing pillow, breast pump, high chair, wipes, ointments or any other medications, infant car seat, diaper bag, toys, pacifiers, diapers, booties, and clothes. In this day and age, there are some parents and some physicians who are making use of the internet in order to share their experiences, knowledge and skills about baby care, and typically they are creating their very own website or blogsite that is accessible to the public people. The individuals who wants to build their very own blogsite are advised to make their URLs or uniform resource locator with the use of simple and basic terms.Lessons Learned from Years with Resources