Some Lawn Care Tips for Those Who Have Lawns
It is a fact that a house is made more beautiful with a lawn as its background. Thus it is advisable that you learn some few pointers on how to maintain your lawn.
Your first tip is to be aware of the kind of environment your property is in. Be aware if you live near dusty roads that a light coat of dust will reduce the photosynthesis of the plants, and this could make your lawn suffer. It is important therefore that you wash the lawn with water and dish soap in some days when it looks like it needs some cleaning. Refrain from using anti bacterial dish soap for this will leave the lawn with streaks of yellow.
Another tip is to know if you live in a wild fire hazard location. If you are, then it is recommended that you use lawn grass that helps reduce fire hazard. A good combination of lawn grass that would work in this condition is Canada bluegrass, wheat grass, sheep fescue, and blue gramma grass, and these are available in any local lawn care shop.
Your next tip is to recognize the shady sections of your lawn, and let the shady grass grow longer than the grass in the sunny sections. Doing this will help make your lawn look nicer, and regularly prune out some of the dense branches in the shady area to bring in more light.
Another guideline is to be aware of the importance of earthworms for your lawn. Try attracting more earthworms to your yard by spreading organic lawn fertilizer on your yard and have the same effect as when ants are attracted to honey.
Another lawn care tip is to spread a thin layer of organic matter on the lawn regularly like mushroom compost. Horse manure, straw, gypsum, and limestone are the composition of the mushroom compost and these are the same ones that mushrooms grown in mushroom farms.
Another tip in taking care of your lawn is to use a mulcher mower in mowing your lawn as this can help you use less fertilizers. The cut up grass clippings from the mower will drop to the soil when using this type of mower where decomposition of the clippings is faster.
The next thing that you should keep watch in order to take care of your lawn is to observe after mowing your grass if the grass seems less green and has a tan cast, because then in this case, your mower blades are probably dull already.
Be observant as you trample your lawn, because if the grass does not have enough water, they will not have the strength to recover from those trampling.
It is advisable that you water your lawn between 5 and 8 in the morning and not during night time because watering encourages brown patch and other fungus diseases.